Irish Soccer Referees Society Dublin

Founded 1959

Co. Dublin


Committee and AGM

The branch committee comprises of a maximum of 13 committee members. 


Elections are held for the committee positions annually at the AGM. 




To be eligible for election, a candidate MUST have at least two years continuous membership of the Branch, immediately preceding the election, regularly attend branch meetings, and must not hold any position (paid or unpaid), in the FAI, or any of its affiliated leagues, excluding Referees Observers and Instructors.




As per Branch Rules


To be eligible to vote at that AGM a member must have attended 6 from 9 meetings, unless otherwise excused in the previous calender year. 




To be eligible for election a candidate must have at least two years continuous membership of the Branch immediately preceding the election, attend meetings regularly, unless otherwise excused and must not hold any position (paid or unpaid) in the Football Association of Ireland or any of its affiliated leagues excluding referee observers and instructors.  




Notices of motion, duly proposed and seconded by fully qualified members, must be in the hands of the Secretary, at least fourteen (14) days before the AGM.  




Upon election to the committee, members serve a term for one (1) year, and can seek re – election at subsequent AGM’s.


Committee meetings are held in advance of each branch meeting, so generally speaking committee members would attend 18 to 20 meetings a year, although the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer would attend many other external meetings.




The committee for the current term are listed below




Paul Tuite

Seán Slattery 

Eddie Reilly

Paddy Hughes

Robert Redmond

Derek Carey

 Alex Byrne 

Fred Hosford 

John O Toole




Branch Rules


Name and Jurisdiction


The name shall be the Irish Soccer Referees Society - Dublin Branch hereinafter called "The Branch.


The jurisdiction of the Branch shall be that allocated to it from time to time by the ISRS.



The objects of the Branch shall be those enshrined from time to time by the I.S.R.S.



A member is an individual who has paid a membership fee to the Branch or who has been granted membership by the Committee.


Membership of the Branch imposes the following obligations on members.


Members must attend 6 from 9 meetings in a calendar year to be classed as members of good standing.


To attend Branch meetings regularly. Members must attend 6 from 9 Branch meetings in a calendar year in order to be classed as members of good standing as per FAI rulebook.

Branch Committee members are expected to attend a pro-rata number of Committee meetings unless otherwise excused.





To pay membership fees on or before the first branch meeting of the new calendar year. Membership fees must be paid in person except in exceptional circumstances.


To uphold the good name of the Branch on and off the field of play.


To ensure when officiating with other referees that they are members and if they are not, to refuse to officiate with them.


Having completed a beginner's course in a calendar year and after joining the Dublin branch of the ISRS, and being issued with a current membership card, the member is eligible for match appointments including more than one Official.


Failure to pay membership by the specified date will result in exclusion from the membership list in February, unless the Branch Committee are satisfied that there were exceptional circumstances in which the member was not in a position to pay his/her annual fee.


Absence from meetings, the member must notify the secretary by a subsequent letter / e-mail sent to the secretary for the committee for consideration within 7 days of the missed meeting. Failure to send a communication letter / e-mail will be marked as absent.


The policy of giving yearly letters to excuse people from attendance will no longer be accepted. This is now done on a meeting to meeting basis only.


A member who fails to fulfil their obligations to attend the required number of meetings in a calendar year may be subject to sanctions.


All correspondence in relation to the above rules may be in writing or by electronic e-mail.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)


The Branch Committee shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting to be held before 31st March each year.


Accidental omission to give notice to, or the non-receipt of such notice by, any member shall not invalidate the election or any motion passed at the Annual General Meeting.


The following shall be the agenda for the Annual General Meeting.

(a) To read any apologies received.

(b) To approve and sign the minutes of the previous AGM and any Special General Meetings in

the intervening period.

(c) To receive the Chairman's address.

(d) To receive the Secretary's report.

(e) To receive the Treasurer's report.

(f) To elect the Chairman for the ensuing year.

(g) To elect the Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.

(h) To elect the Secretary for the ensuing year.

(I) To elect the Treasurer for the ensuing year.

(j) To elect the Assistant-Secretary for the ensuing year.

(k) To elect the Assistant-Treasurer for the ensuing year.

(l) To elect not more than seven ordinary members to serve on the Committee for the ensuing


(m) The election of all sub-committees at the AGM. Nominations must be received by the

Secretary fourteen days (14), before the AGM, in line with Rule 4.6.

(n) To elect the required number of delegates to Council every three years. Nominations to be

received by the secretary at least fourteen (14) days before the AGM (Chairman, Secretary

and Treasurer are automatically elected as Delegates, by virtue of their office).

(o) To decide on any motions duly submitted according to rule.

(p) Any other business.


To be eligible to vote at the AGM a member must have attended 6 from 9 meetings, unless otherwise excused in the previous calendar year.


To be eligible for election a candidate must have at least two years continuous membership of the Branch immediately preceding the election, attend meetings regularly, unless otherwise excused and must not hold any position (paid or unpaid) in the Football Association of Ireland or any of its affiliated leagues excluding referee observers and instructors.


Nominations have to be received, by the Secretary, at least fourteen (14) days before the AGM.


Candidates may be nominated and seconded in their absence only when their written permission is presented to the AGM.



Notices of motion, duly proposed and seconded by fully qualified members, must be in the hands of the Secretary, at least fourteen (14) days before the AGM.


The Committee may propose Notices of Motion by notification in the Agenda for the AGM.


All motions require a simple majority of the total votes cast at the AGM failing which they are lost.


Where a vote is required at the AGM it may be either by secret ballot or a show of hands and the result decided by a simple majority.


Tally clerks (if necessary) shall be appointed by the Chairman at the start of voting and shall retain that function for the remainder of the voting.


The quorum for the AGM is twenty members in attendance before it is valid.


Minutes of the AGM duly signed and adopted at the following AGM shall be kept by the Secretary.


The Annual General Meeting may bestow the honour of Life Membership on a member who has retired from active refereeing. To be eligible for this award the member must: (a) have retired from active refereeing (b) have been a member of good standing for at least 10 years (c)have rendered outstanding service to refereeing and to the Dublin Branch (d) be proposed and seconded by members of at least 5 years good standing or by the Committee. (e) accept that if he/she resumes active refereeing he/she automatically forfeits in perpetuity his/her Life membership award. Nominations must be in the hands of the Hon. Secretary at least 14fourteen days prior to the Annual General Meeting. If the member nominated fails to meet the above criteria his/her name shall not go before the Annual General Meeting and the Hon. Secretary shall notify the Proposer to this effect.


Powers of the Committee


The Committee shall be vested with all powers to take decisions, as they deem necessary for the proper functioning of the Branch.


The Committee shall have the power to invite persons, other than those elected, to assist in their work if this is thought desirable. However, such persons may not hold office and providing the committee will not exceed 13 in number. Sub-Committees.


In the event that a Committee member resigns, steps down or ceases to be a member of the Committee, for any reason, at any time, the Committee can co-opt a member to fill the vacancy, for the remainder of the term, so long as the member fulfils the criteria as set out elsewhere in these rules re a member of good standing. The co-opted member shall have full voting rights.


The Committee shall have the power to set up sub-committees as they see fit.


The officers of the Committee shall, ex officio, be members of all sub-committees. At least one Officer MUST be in attendance at each meeting.


Every sub-committee may elect its own officers.


Decisions of sub-committees must be communicated to the Branch Committee for ratification before any action is taken.



The Branch shall raise funds by whatever legal means are decided by the Committee.


Audited Accounts shall be presented each year to the AGM.


A bank account (current and/or deposit) shall be maintained in a branch of a recognised banking institution and the signature of the Treasurer and any other officers shall be required on all cheques and withdrawal slips.


At no time shall the current account be overdrawn if the funds in the deposit account, if any, are not sufficient to meet such overdraft.


All Branch Committee members serve in an honorary capacity and are entitled to remuneration. They are entitled to reimbursement on presentation of receipts, for any legitimate and reasonable expenses incurred while acting on behalf of the Branch.


The Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Equipment Officer shall receive an honorarium, such honorarium to be increased from time to time in line with the Percentage increase in fees for Junior Football.



Special General Meetings.


On the demand in writing signed by at least 50 members or by order of the Branch Committee a Special General Meeting (SGM) shall be held.


Not less than one week’s notice shall be given for such a SGM and not more than four weeks elapse before such a Meeting is held, in the case of a demand for such a SGM being received by the Secretary.


The agenda for such a SGM shall be: (a) To read any apologies received (b) To elect a Chairman of the meeting in the absence of the Branch Chairman (c) To discuss and decide on the matter for which the SGM has been called.


There shall be no further business discussed at the SGM.


The quorum for the SGM shall be fifty members before it is valid.


Any decision taken at a SGM must be approved by simple majority of those voting at the meeting, else it will be deemed lost. The method of voting shall be decided by those attending the meeting.


The Chairman of the Meeting shall appoint a tally clerk for the voting.


A SGM shall be deemed part of the preceding AGM and the minutes thereof shall be taken in conjunction with those at the next AGM.


In all cases where voting arises the Chairman shall vote only in the event of a tied result. Under no circumstances shall the chairman be entitled to two votes.


This Constitution may be amended or added to only by simple majority of those voting at an AGM or a SGM called for 'that purpose.

Data Protection


All information collected by the Dublin Branch pertaining to branch members ,shall be held and maintained in accordance with Legislation and the Data Protection Acts 1998 and 2003.




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