About Contact Dublin Branch Meetings Committee Ways and Means National Council History Elite Panel Benifits Training/Fitness Equipment/Kit Insurance Becoming a Referee LOTG Changes 2024-2025 Membership List Fees + Expenses 22 -24 Documents Seminars MembershipDublin Branch are affiliated to the National Organisation, ISRS. There are 26 branches from the Republic of Ireland in the ISRS with a total membership of 1100 approx. Dublin are the largest branch affiliated to Council. Each branch is entitled to have Delegates to Council, based on 1 delegate to every 30 members. Elections for Delegates are held at our AGM every 3 years, serving for a 3 year term. The National Council hold 4 meetings a year, usually in Dublin, but occasionally are held in the provinces. We currently have 12 Delegates to Council.
Council website here
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