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All Training Venues are currently suspended due to Covid 19 restrictions and will resume when possible.
VEC Terenure
Tuesday 6pm-7pm
Contact Anto Carey – 0872553443
Tuesday 8:00pm-9:00pm
Contact Terry Murphy – 0838156650
Tuesday 6:30-7:30pm
Contact Niall Murray – 0861705055
Tuesday 7.00pm-8.00pm
Paddy Hughes 0872308521
Altipeak Long Mile Road
Monday 730-830pm
Contact Altipeak – 014659837
ISRS Partnered Physios
Stephen Braiden 0873671880
Alan Dooley 0896151138
Complete each exercise once Warm up Exercise
Jog forwards
Jog backwards
Jog side ways right
Turn to your right, feet parallel, jog sideways
Jog side ways left
Turn to your left, feet parallel, jog sideways
Walking lunges
Step forward, back heel comes off the ground. Bend both knees to 90degrees. Step forwards, change legs.
Hip warm up
Lift r. knee to 90 degrees; rotate it out to the side. Step forwards, change legs.
Heel flicks
Lift heels towards your buttocks, jogging forwards slowly
Knee Raises
Lift knees to hip height as you jog forwards slowly
Jog forwards, touch right, touch left
Jogging forwards, touch ground to your right side, then left side
Right knee over left knee
Turn to your left, raise right knee 90degrees, place foot over left knee & travel sideways
Left knee over right knee
Turn to your right, raise left knee 90 degrees, place left foot over right knee & travel sideways
Kick heels into the floor & point toes to the side
Jog forwards, arms forwards
Jogging, make a full circle forwards with the arms
Jog forwards, arms backwards
Jogging, make a circle backwards with the arms
Sprint 70% effort
Walk back to recover
Jog this one
Walk back to recover
Sprint 80% effort
Walk back to recover
Jog last one.
Walk back to recover
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